Signing Basics...
Below are our articles on the subject of Signing Basics. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...
Around the Home
The basic instructions for signs to do with items around the home....
Can Baby Signing Really Help My Child's Development?
Teaching sign language to pre-verbal children may seem like a tough task to most people but in fact baby signing is quickly becoming very popular among parents and is…...
Everyday Tasks
A look at some of the words needed to carry out everyday tasks....
Finger Spelling
The basics of fingerspelling....
Getting to Know One Another
A look at some of the more simple words needed in sign language....
Greetings and Introductions
A description of the most basic signs you can learn....
Personal Information
Some basic words which will come in useful in talking to people about personal information....
Sign Language Vs Pidgin - Which is Most Complex?
The ways in which a sign language differs from a pidgin language....
Signing About the Weather
Basic descriptions for signs of weather related words....
Sports and Hobbies
A description of some words to do with sports and hobbies as said in sign language....
The Relationship Between Sign Language and Mime
How mime and sign language interact with each other....
Time, Date and Days of the Week
An overview of how to say basic words to do with date and time....
Transport and Holidays
An overview of descriptions of basic words for transport and holidays in sign language....