About Sign Language...
Below are our articles on the subject of About Sign Language. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Academic Advantages of Sign Language
A look at some of the advantages of learning sign language....

British Sign Language
An overview of the language of British Sign Language....

Dogs and Sign Language
How a daschund from the USA has demonstrated that even deaf dogs can learn sign language....

History of Sign Language
A look at the spread of sign language throughout history....

Home Signs
The way home signs are created and languages developed....

How Do Brains Process Sign Language?
The state of our understanding into how the brain deals with sign language....

How Sign Language Choirs Work
What a sign language choir is and what they do....

How to Start Teaching Signed Language
Teaching sign language is an incredibly worthwhile thing to do, whether it is to parents of deaf children or to people who want to learn sign language with a view to…...

How to train as or find a sign language interpreter....

Learn to Sign Week
How the British Deaf Association organises Learn to Sign Week....

Left Hand Signing
A guide to reading and understanding left handed sign language users....

Makaton is a communication technique that uses speech, facial expression, gestures, signs and symbols to convey information. It is widely taught and being used by…...

Qualifications in Sign Language
The best ways of getting an industry standard sign language qualification....

Sign Supported English
The basics of sign supported English...

The Linguistics of Sign Language
A description of the way in which the linguistics of sign language marks it out from spoken languages....

Uses of Sign Language
A look at some of the ways sign language can be used....

Using Sign Language from Birth
Using sign language from early days or from birth gives deaf children the chance to learn exactly how to communicate in exactly the same way that children who are not…...

Using Sign Language in Schools
One of the best ways of using sign language in schools, especially in primary schools, is to turn it into a fun class exercise - the benefits are numerous and manifold....

Where to Learn Sign Language
A look at where you can learn sign language....

Who Can Benefit from Sign Language?
The ways in which sign language can benefit a wide range of people....

Worldwide Signing Information
A look at the ways in which people from different countries can communicate using sign language....