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Where to Learn Sign Language

By: Joanne Walker BA (hons) - Updated: 5 Jun 2017 | comments*Discuss
Where Learn Sign Language Course College

There are many places where you can learn sign language but they are far fewer than most mainstream languages. The main problem with learning sign language is that it is very difficult to do without a teacher face to face who can show you exactly where you need to put your hands. The internet has made ways of practising sign language easier though, so many people are finding they can help themselves. However, when it comes to where to learn sign language, there is no substitute for having a teacher – they can demonstrate each sign as well as explain the grammar and structures, as a teacher of any other language would do.

Internet and Video Learning
Make no mistake about it – video and internet learning of sign language is no substitute for learning from a teacher. But, having said that, they make a useful start or addition to a programme of learning for anyone who wants to become proficient in sign language. There are plenty of computer courses available, both online and on CD, which will show you the basics of words. But do not forget that sign language is a language with structures and forms and therefore must be learnt in its entirety and not just from a video.

RNID Courses
The RNID (Royal National Institute for the Deaf) offers courses for use in the workplace. These start to sign courses are tailored to the individual workplace. The teachers will go into workplaces and teach staff members basic phrases. If there are a few of you in your office who are interested in learning sign language it may be worth speaking to your boss to see if they agree to a RNID course. The courses can be held over a number of days, up to the workplace to choose.

Some colleges which offer courses in other languages also offer courses in sign language and these are a much better option if you are not learning with your company. Learning via a proper course means the teacher will demonstrate to you exactly how the language works, and, in addition, will be able to correct you if you are going wrong which is quite likely at the beginning. If you want to obtain a qualification in sign language rather than just get some basic skills, look for a course which is affiliated to CACDP, the awards body for British Sign Language courses. You can the supplement your learning with videos and internet lessons but have the advantage of communicating with a real person as well.

Where to learn sign language is not a difficult problem to solve. If you start to look you will find all manner of places which offer sign languages courses. What is more important is finding a good teacher and making sure you practice often. As stated above, sign language is as much of a language as French or English and if you think you can learn shapes for words and string them all together you will not get far and will not be able to communicate very well. As important as the course, location and your sign language teacher is the effort you put in. As with many things, the more you put in, the more you will get out.

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I have a TBI but would like to work my damaged brain AGAIN. What will BSL mean to me?
Justin Lee Carr - 5-Jun-17 @ 3:24 PM
Hi, I am a person who like to learn sign language so much, about many many many months ago I have been looking for a school where to learn ,and I have not found it yet,the only one that I found few months ago,was pierce college where I took this brief course,but I think that I need to practic with real deaf people,I really want to do this as living,but as I said I can not found where to go,so please if you can help me to find a school or institute or place where they are and go and learn with them,talk to them help them and if is possible start to work with them.Olga Minas 818-251-98-43I learn fast,I do have high school and some university and a boy with special needs
olga - 19-Nov-12 @ 4:26 AM
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