Below are our articles on the subject of Communication. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Holidays With a Difference: Signed Cruises
How specialist cruise companies are tailoring their offering to help people who use sign language....

How Much Do Courts Spend on Sign Language
The costs associated with sign language interpreters and the reasons they are seemingly high....

How to Communicate with Deaf People
A look at the various ways you can communicate with deaf people....

How to Convey Emotion
How sign language users convey emotion without using their voice....

Lip Reading
An overview of the art of lipreading....

My Signing Experiences as a Deaf Person: A Case Study
One deaf person's experiences through life as someone who uses sign language....

Nicaraguan Sign Language Created by Children
Over the past thirty years deaf children in Nicaragua have developed a new sign language that was initially a series of very rough gestures but has evolved and is now…...

Prisons' Use of Sign Language
The use of sign language in prisons is a twofold story with two diametrically opposed sides. One use of sign language is for the greater good and the other for the…...

Sign Language Among Scuba Divers
How scuba divers employ sign language to help them to communicate....

Sign Language and Public Services
Your rights as a BSL user and what you can expect from public sector organisations by way of translation....

Sign Language in Religious Communities
How monks and nuns who have taken a vow of silence may communicate with each other....

Sign Language in the Workplace
Introducing signed language to the workplace not only demonstrates committment from employers but also ensures effective communication and safety in the workplace.

Story Telling in Sign Language
How a nationally acclaimed centre is recognising sign language storytelling for the art form it is....

The American Sign Language Bill and its Repercussions
How a new bill in the USA could impact on sign language around the world....

Use of Sign Language in the Police Force
How many police forces are developing their sign language offering for staff....

Use of Signs in Hearing Communities
The use of signs and gestures used for communication purposes is not just limited to those who cannot hear as many hearing people often rely on these in everyday life....

Using Sign Language for Work
A selection of careers which use sign language for those who want to make it their occupation....

Using the Internet to Learn Sign Language
As the internet evolved, so it became possible to use moving graphics, which showed exactly how a word or phrase was signed, changing the way sign language is learnt…...

Written Forms of Sign Language
Spoken languages had to evolve into written ones at some point, so there must be a sensible way of making a signed language into one which can be represented in a…...